News & Events

USPS Updates

January 2020
Postage Rate Increase
As your billing provider, we want you to be fully aware of the United States Postal Service postage rate increase that will take place January 26, 2020. The USPS has been granted the authority to raise their rates. Details can be seen in the chart below but we estimate that for an average first class mail mix, the net increase will be in the 1.5% range.
Increases for marketing/standard mail are also in the 1.5% range.
Those of you with significant 1 and 2 oz flat usage will end up with an increase in the 2.0% range, but those of you who regularly mail out higher weight flats (3 to 13 oz) are going to experience increases from 10% to 20%.
To understand how this increase impacts you, click on the link below to view an easy-to-read comparison chart.
If you have any questions about this change, please don't hesitate to contact your OSG account manager.